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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am already good at PowerPoint. Why do I need your courses?

    We assume most of you have already used PowerPoint extensively. That's why our courses are specifically designed to take intermediate users and turn them into PowerPoint experts.

  • Why can't I just learn PowerPoint on the job?

    In consulting, everyone will eventually become really good at PowerPoint. The problem is, it takes most people 3-5 years of trial and error to reach that level. Our courses are specifically designed to help consultants jump this learning curve and start their careers as highly-skilled PowerPoint users.

  • What makes your courses different from the many other PowerPoint courses on the internet?

    Our courses are designed specifically for the consulting industry. The principles, tools, and hacks we cover were selected by former consultants from top-tier consulting firms, and cover exactly what you need to know.

  • Are your courses just for new consultants or can they help experienced consultants as well?

    Our courses are designed with intermediate-level PowerPoint users in mind, whether they are new to consulting or long-time consultants. Although most of our students tend to be in their first year of consulting, more experienced consultants who are looking to boost their PowerPoint skills also find value in our courses.

  • Do your courses apply to non-consulting careers as well?

    Although the concepts in our courses are designed specifically for consultants, anyone who uses PowerPoint extensively will find value. However, if you are looking for help with animation, transitions, or video effects for your PowerPoint slides, then our training is likely not for you.

  • What version of PowerPoint will I need?

    The course will be most valuable to those with a windows-based version of PowerPoint 2013 or later. However, many shortcuts apply to earlier versions of PowerPoint as well. Although the course is not recommended for Mac users, much of the knowledge may still be applicable.

  • What level of experience do I need before taking one of your courses?

    Generally speaking, our courses are designed for intermediate PowerPoint users who have used PowerPoint in either a professional or academic setting. While there are no defined prerequisites, a familiarity with PowerPoint and its basic features is assumed.

  • How do I know my payment is secure?

    Our payments are processed over a secure and encrypted connection using Stripe, one of the world's most secure and reputable online payment platforms ( If you'd prefer, you can also pay using your PayPal account for no additional charge. In either case, we offer a full refund within 30 days of purchase if you're not satisfied. No questions asked.

  • What is your refund policy?

    We provide a full refund to anyone for any reason within 30 days of purchase.

30-day money back guarantee30-day money back guarantee30-day money back guarantee