Jump start your career with this mini course designed to help you...

  • Accelerate your career

    Build your PowerPoint foundation the right way and set yourself up for success

  • Prepare for day one

    Be ready to hit the ground running on day one and make a good impression from the start

  • Save yourself time

    Spend time perfecting your PowerPoint skills now before the long hours and stressful deadlines

In this mini course you will...

  • Understand why companies hire consulting firms, and why these firms use PowerPoint

  • Learn the principle for structuring information used by every major consulting firm

  • Apply the Pyramid Principle to your slides and understand how all consultants build clear and logically-structured slides

  • Learn the three key differences between consulting and non-consulting slides

  • Get a consulting slide checklist to help you make professional, client-ready slides

  • Build your own consulting slide for Wiz Technologies, a tech firm looking to enter the healthcare wearables market

Course Outline

  • 1

    Fundamentals of PowerPoint for Consultants

    • Getting Started
    • Why Consultants Use PowerPoint
    • The Pyramid Principle
    • Slide Structure
    • Consulting Slides
    • Checking In
    • Consulting Slide Checklist
    • [Hands On] Slide Download
    • [Hands On] Build a Consulting Slide
  • 2

    FREE PREVIEW: Advanced PowerPoint for Consultants

    • Presenting the Deck
    • Formatting Tables
    • Mastering Shapes (Part 1)
    • Where to Find More
  • 3

    Bonus Resources

    • Top 50 PowerPoint Shortcuts PDF
    • Top 50 PowerPoint Shortcuts Video

Advanced PowerPoint for Consultants

Become a PowerPoint Pro with our comprehensive training for consultants and strategy professionals

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I am already pretty good at PowerPoint?

    Then this course is for you! We assume most of you are computer savvy and have used PowerPoint a fair amount. Principles in this course are designed to take those skills to the next level.

  • Why aren't there more lessons?

    This course is just a precursor to our flagship course, Advanced PowerPoint for Consultants.

  • What version of PowerPoint will I need?

    The course will be most valuable to those with a windows-based version of PowerPoint 2013 or later. However, many shortcuts apply to earlier versions of PowerPoint as well. Although the course is not recommended for Mac users, much of the knowledge may still be applicable.

  • Does this course apply to non-consulting careers as well?

    Although the concepts in this course are geared towards consultants and strategy professionals, anyone who uses PowerPoint extensively will find value. Plus it's free, so what do you have to lose?